Elementa, your health ingredients distributor
You are a manufacturer or a dietary supplements laboratory looking for a trustful and reliable supplier.
What are the fundamental criteria to evaluate your supplier reliability?
A health ingredients distributor must be able to:
- Support you during all the formulation process of your supplements, thanks to its in- depth knowledge of ingredients and of the possible technical constraints in formulation
- Assist you with the effective daily dose to obtain the desired health benefits
- Provide you extensive regulatory support and inform you about the authorized claims according to the market geographic areas
When it comes to the ingredients, the distributor must be able to: - Secure your costs and supplies
- Select the highest quality and certified ingredients (organic, halal, gluten-free,etc.)
- Select ingredients standardized in vitamins, minerals, sterols or other interesting actives.
- Guarantee the ingredient origin and its raw materials
- Provide evidences of the ingredient health benefits thanks to clinical or animal studies, but also through scientific literature.
- Select innovative ingredients: plant extracts against pollution, sustained release caffeine, allowing new benefits and formulations but also innovative connected health apps which bring a real added-value to the final customers.
Elementa guarantees you these criteria thanks to its team of experts in sourcing, regulation marketing and sales.
Our health ingredients are voluntarily limited in number to give you the best guarantees.
For any request, quotation, information or sample, please feel free to contact us.