2019 Trade Shows for foods supplements and nutraceutical : Save the date!
Discover the list of all “foods supplements and nutraceutical ”trade shows and events Elementa will attend in 2019.
Feel free to make an appointment from now on if you want to meet us during one of the fairs.
- 12-13-14 mars 2019 :
CFIA – Carrefour des Fournisseurs de l’Industrie Agroalimentaire. CFIA aims to bring together all French and international manufacturers in the food-processing sector
https://cfiaexpo.com/en - 7-8-9 mai 2019 :
https://www.vitafoods.eu.com - 11-12 septembre 2019 :
NUTRIFORM BUSINESS DAYS – International Congress On Dietary Supplements & Innovation
http://www.nfbd.fr - 20-22 octobre 2019 :
NATEXPO Paris, International trade show for organic products
https://natexpo.com - 4-5 décembre 2019 :
Fi Europe Paris Food ingredients – leading global meeting place for food and beverage innovation
Make an appointment if you want to meet us during one of these events.